Using an AED

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2 min 40 sec
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Understanding and Using Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs)

An automated external defibrillator (AED) is a life-saving device designed to treat sudden cardiac arrest, even by individuals with no medical training. AEDs restore blood flow and potentially save lives by shocking the heart back into a normal rhythm.

Steps to Use an AED

  1. Activate emergency medical services and send someone for the AED while delivering CPR.
  2. Turn on the device and follow the instructions.
  3. Attach the pads to the person's chest.
  4. Allow the AED to analyze the patient's heart rhythm.
  5. If needed, follow the AED's instructions to deliver the shock.
  6. Begin CPR if needed after the shock is delivered.

Increasing Survival Chances with AEDs and CPR

Combining the use of an AED with CPR can significantly increase the person's chance of survival in the event of sudden cardiac arrest. For every minute of delay in using the AED, the chances of survival are reduced by 10%. Effective CPR extends this window.

Automatic AEDs

Automatic AEDs do not require the user to push a button. They deliver the shock themselves and provide instructions on when it is safe to touch the patient.

AEDs: Essential Equipment in Public Settings

AEDs are valuable tools for saving lives during sudden cardiac arrests. Their ease of use and effectiveness make them indispensable in public settings.